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A Radiologist’s Endovascular Therapy Guide to Mesenteric Ischemia
Mesenteric ischemia is a broad term encompassing several clinical conditions leading to impaired vascularity of bowel loops. Imaging plays a crucial role in diagnosis and management. Mesenteric ischemia is an uncommon condition resulting from inadequate arterial supply in the splanchnic circulation ...
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Is your pregnancy normal? Decide with the Doppler test.
As a part of the nationwide initiative of IRIA to reduce perinatal mortality in India, through a set of curated questions, Dr. Avni answers frequent concerns on Doppler Test in Pregnancy. To start with, Doppler test is a safe and simple technique which can determine the flow in the blood vessels of ...
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Early diagnosis of Acute pancreatitis with modified CT severity index
Acute pancreatitis is a life-threatening condition with significant morbidity and mortality and is known to run an unpredictable course. This study was performed to determine the value of computed tomography evaluation in early diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, differentiate between acute edematous a...
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Primary hepatic neuroendocrine tumor: A rare entity...
Central Bronchogenic Carcinoma Presenting with Ipsilateral Vocal Cord Palsy, Metastases to the Brain...
Can strain elastography be used in reclassification of indeterminate breast lesions in BIRADS lexico...

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